Ikebana Bins | Brydee Rood 2015 | Headland Sculpture on the Gulf Waiheke Island New Zealand | Materials: Assorted Native Flora, Soil, Wheelie Bins - Waste Management Waiheke Island, Gold and Silver Leaf | Text: Too many times my ears have mourned the hateful scream of neighbours’ wielding chainsaws and when questioned - dropping comments like - ‘rubbish trees’ and ‘wasted space’ to describe an area of overgrown garden where natives and weeds have tangled up and taken over a patch of land. As a response to the ‘clearing’ without consideration for, or knowledge of native species or otherwise, of such suburban landscapes, Ikebana Bins is an eco-sensitive series of seven portable planters. Focusing on living native flora arrangements and using common wheelie bins as an earth vessel and inspired by giant Ikebana - a contemporary genre of Ikebana - Japanese floral arrangement and guided by the principle that Ikebana is a disciplined art form in which nature and humanity are brought together. Jiyuka Ikebana is a free creative design and every material can be used. In opposition to the painful screech of chainsaws, contemplative silence is said to be significant in achieving a spiritual ikebana experience.
Image: Brydee Rood 2015